Friday night, we got home, worked out, had dinner, then started in on the Kerdi. We'd considered putting it off till Saturday, but decided we'd be happier if we just bit the bullet and got going.

First the corners get a band (we cut our own five inches wide instead of the four-inch ones they sell premade) and the shelf gets wrapped. This is on the wall opposite the showerhead, so it's probably overkill to seal it so thoroughly, but better over- than under-.

Jeff gets artsy as I thinset and seal.

Until we're all done. Just like in the pictures. Very, very happy with how this worked out. This is worlds easier than using liner inside the studs and cement board on top. The final surface is smooth as can be, which should make tiling easier.

And yes, luckily, the tiling was an extremely fun process. This was the best time we've had so far working on the house, in fact. We're both pretty pleased with how well things worked around the plumbing fixtures. The geometry was lucky.
We finished up JUST in time to run over to Jenn and Bob's for snacks and wine Saturday night.
However, being the perfectionist that I am, I decided some tweaks needed addressing Sunday afternoon. I'll never tell what they were, but I'm now completely satisfied. We decided to keep it all clean and neat looking with white grout instead of gray. That comes later this week.

Loving the double soap dishes on the showerhead side.

As well as the shampoo shelf on the opposite side. Good-bye ugly shower caddies. I always hated you ugly things.
Tomorrow night the interior of the linen closet gets some finishing touches.
Yay! That looks wonderful.
I was really hoping for light grout, I think you will really like it.
*Love* the the arty photo, its very "Edward Hopper"
The shelf and soapdishes look great, I like the symmetry.
WOW guys! That is amazing work! I love the subway tile look! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! Can't wait to come see it in person! I love tiling! I guess the saw is working well for you!
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